Favorite Sectionals – Tenors 10/23

Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00pm

Tenor Sectional before choir practice (in room B-18)!

** Mark your calendars for the next TENOR Sectional date:
     November 26th (Tuesday!)

Choir Council Members for the 2024 – 2025 Choir Year

Co-Presidents:  Dbbie Dethlefsen and Chris Jennings

Vice President/Missions: Kristina Stacey

Secretary:  Connie Ager

Treasurer:  Jane Fore

Shepherd:  Ruthie Horner

Staff Liaison:  Rachel Franklin



E Major – Tracy Praestholm
Webmaster – Rebecca Gebhardt


Devotions:  Patty Scheibmeir

Joys & Concerns:  Eileen Stanley

Membership: Vickie Scott and Leigh Harriman

Robe Warrior: Marte Lilley


Section Leaders: 

Altos – Dottie Wills
Basses – Doug Sorensen
Sopranos – Brenda Keen
Tenors – Jim Langley


Music Director/Minister:  Tim Morrison

Favorite Sectionals – Bass 10/30

Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00pm

Bass Sectional before choir practice!

** Mark your calendars for the next BASS Sectional date:
     December 4th

Joys & Concerns Night – 11/06

Wednesday, November 6th:

Come on out to Rehearsal and stay to share your Joys & Concerns with your fellow musical prayer warriors!